Making Room for Reality

Making Room for Reality

This week, millions of families all across America will be sitting down to share a meal with people they cherish. At nearly every table there will be turkey, pumpkin pie and a side dish of sadness. Almost every home will be missing something, or rather, someone.

I think of my own brother, on this 23rd Thanksgiving without him. I think of the hundreds of families I have worked with this year. The family who lost their brother to a heart attack, and then had their living brother diagnosed with cancer. I think of the family who lost their precious four-year old…

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3 Reasons Why You Aren't Seeing Signs from Deceased Loved Ones

3 Reasons Why You Aren't Seeing Signs from Deceased Loved Ones

Are you frustrated and feeling alone because you haven't seen a sign from a deceased loved one? You are not alone! Let me explain what's going on. 

“I haven't had one sign, visit, or sense of presence, not once since my husband died, and I'm beginning to think that's not normal. I would love for you to discuss this side of survivorship. No one ever wants to discuss it - like it's some ugly secret - but I have to believe others are in the same boat as me.” Kathy Joint –via Facebook 


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What Happens When a Celebrity Dies?

What Happens When a Celebrity Dies?

David Bowie, and now, Prince, wow! The last few months we have seen the passing of some of the most iconic talent of our time. It begs the question: What happens to celebrities when they die? Is Princess Diana still being hounded by the paparazzi in the hereafter?

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