How Can I Alleviate the Suffering of a World in Crisis?

I went to bed feeling heavy-hearted last night. Everywhere I turn messages of unrest, poverty and suffering are being shared. They are true reports, and as just one person, I feel a bit helpless in making a difference.

I saw this deeply moving photo journal of where children refugees are sleeping and it made me ache. (…/cnnphotos-syrian-children-refugees-sl…/) It reminded me of a book I read a few months ago called, "The Nightingale" by Kristin Hannah.  The story profiles some of the suffering that the women and children in Europe experienced during World War Two. The refugee crisis we are facing now is not so different from the horrors Jewish children experienced during the Holocaust.

Avoiding the media helps in the way of that old saying, "Ignorance is bliss." If you don't know, you can't suffer along. But the suffering is still there. And ignorance is just that: ignorance.

I'm not here to push my own opinions of politics, refugees, immigration, or terrorism but to simply ask you to think a little. We live a wildly abundant life, if you are reading this, there is a good chance you are doing so from the comfort of a warm home and have a meal to look forward to. Yet, how we stress ourselves with how we can get more, maintain our status quo or advance our security. Survival is important, but at what point do we have enough?

With the holidays upon us here in the US, I'm urging everyone to look for places that kindness in all it's forms, acts both great and small, could alleviate suffering.

It's wonderful to perform random acts of kindness, like paying for the coffee of a person in line behind you. However, the person in line probably has enough abundance to cover their own coffee since they are standing there, ready to order. That doesn't alleviate suffering.

A few weeks ago, I was in New York City enjoying a wonderful dinner that was way too much food for me. I asked the waiter to box half of it up, and put it in a bag with forks and napkins. He replied that they didn't have any disposable forks, and I just looked it him and said, "Please. It needs to be ready to eat."

As I walked to my next destination, I looked for someone who needed a meal. There were plenty of choices. I saw a person huddled under a blanket in a doorway, trying to escape the driving rain. I tapped them on the shoulder and asked, "Are you hungry?" A woman holding a dog in her arms emerged from under the blanket, dirty, obviously tired, but clear-eyed and said, "Yes."

I handed her the bag, and said, "Enjoy this, it's still warm and delicious." She smiled and said thank you, and I carried on my way. I had to fight tears, it was so painful to be "with" her in a moment of kinship---to feel just a portion of her suffering, knowing I was on my way to a show and enjoying life to the fullest.

I did this small act in honor of my old and dear friend, author Jan DeBlieu. Her only child, Reid, passed away, after which Jan set out on a mission to help humanity through Seva---selfless service. Jan is my editor now, helping with my blogs and assisting me with my upcoming book. Reid's loving Spirit is helping humanity through Jan, inspiring others to look for places where connection, compassion and love can alleviate suffering.

There are so many ways to alleviate suffering, on large global scale, and on a city street. No kindness is too small.

As we all face the news of the day, highlighting unrest and crisis, strive to be compassionate and peaceful in every dealing you have. Tolerance, selflessness, empathy need to replace our self-absorption as a society. How do your problems and stresses stack up to the ones faced by the children refugees sleeping in a ditch? Keep yourself alert to where you can be of use.

I'm praying for peace, and committed to be peaceful.

*Note, this an unedited blog taken from a Facebook post dated Nov 19th.  Find it here:

Two days later, on November 21st a student at a workshop I was teaching in Chicago gave me a validating message from Jan's son, Reid! How wonderful was it to receive that confirmation if his love. 

©Mollie Morning Star 2015 Short excerpts of this article may be shared on the internet provided a live link back to this original source is used. Reproduction in print is prohibited. 

Mollie Morning Star

Mollie Morning Star is an evidential psychic medium providing validating afterlife readings to heal grief. She authors a blog focused on spiritual lessons received during medium readings to inspire vibrant living after the death of a loved one.