Are you Ready to Receive?

Happy New Year, Friends!

Are you glad the holidays are over? At the risk of sounding like the Grinch: I for one, am!  The idea of getting up and being greeted by the opportunity to return to work tomorrow morning is incredibly appealing to me.  I’ve always been a morning person and I love Mondays. Call me crazy, but I get high on the feeling of fresh opportunity calling out to me. 

As I went around the house tidying up the last of the holiday decorations today, my optimism for 2016 began to grow. Cleaning up helps me see the space where something creative can take place.  

There’s literal room to move. (Have you ever try hula-hooping with a Christmas tree in your living room?) 

There’s space for everything to breathe. I imagine my orchid enjoys oxygen as much as I delight in inhaling the winter air for a deeply clearing breath. 

The energy of my home is infused with this positive vibe of anything can happen. 

One of the most profound lessons I have learned working with the Souls in the hereafter is that the true gift of our human lives is finding love and joy in the present moment, while looking forward with hope. 

We cannot escape loss and hardship while on this Earthly journey, but somehow adversity is followed by opportunity. 

Looking forward with hope is a great challenge after a deep loss. Loss can take many forms: the passing of a loved one, a lost job, a broken relationship or a health problem. It takes courage, and often a commitment to persist under duress, to take even small steps forward. But when you do, you are showing the Universe (and yourself) that you are ready to receive. 

–Ready to receive a friendship that lifts you out of a fog of loneliness. 

–Ready to accept that career that fills your Soul with purpose. 

–Ready to embrace peace as you come to terms with your own mortality. 

Our ability and willingness to receive love, care, help, comfort, affection, compassion, friendship, healing and all good things will greatly affect our overall happiness. 

Often times our past experiences determine what we expect or think we deserve in the future. If we’ve been betrayed in a relationship, we live in fear of it happening again. If you have a child who died in a car accident, it’s hard to watch your living children leave the house with the keys in their hand and not feel a twinge of panic. 

As you wake up on Monday morning, January 4, 2016, try your best to welcome new experiences into your life. Be ready to receive. Be open to possibility. Don’t limit yourself in thinking that you’ll only ever be as happy as you were in a past situation. You do not know that for certain! I have seen a lot of people make amazing lives for themselves after a great loss, whatever that loss may have been.

Be hopeful. Be of good cheer. Take a step forward to show life that you are ready to receive experiences that make you happy, to the point of overflowing. 

Wishing you all the peace, love, and joy that you can stand to receive in 2016!

©Mollie Morning Star 2016. Short excerpts of this article may be shared on the internet, provided a live link back to this original source is used. Reproduction in print is prohibited. 

Mollie Morning Star

Mollie Morning Star is an evidential psychic medium providing validating afterlife readings to heal grief. She authors a blog focused on spiritual lessons received during medium readings to inspire vibrant living after the death of a loved one.