How To (Thoughtfully) Announce a Loved Ones Death on Social Media

How To (Thoughtfully) Announce a Loved Ones Death on Social Media

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I’ll never forget the morning I was waiting for a doctor’s appointment and I made the mistake of pulling out my iPhone to pass the time. Mindlessly scrolling through my newsfeed, the first thing that appeared was a photo of an old but dear friend that only stated “RIP.”

WHAT?! Oh my God! I felt like I had been punched in the gut, and the tears were instantaneous. A nurse at the lobby door was calling out my name repeatedly. I couldn’t respond.

Let’s face it, most us are not sitting down, emotionally ready to hear heart-breaking news when we are scrolling through social media posts. It’s a problem not only because we are shocked. We may also be wondering what happened and/or why we weren’t notified in a manner that respects our loving/long standing relationship with the deceased.

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